Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 3

I really enjoyed this week’s reading. I chose to read Peanuts Vol 24 1997-1998 for this week’s reading. I wasn’t able to read the entire thing, but I read a variety of chapters and found it a very entertaining and innocent experience. Peanuts has been around forever and definitely took up a portion of my childhood memories, so reading through this volume had a very nostalgic and therapeutic effect for me. Thinking back, I had never actually opened a Peanuts comic or read one; my exposure to Peanuts had always been limited to the animations on VHS back in the day. Being given the opportunity to sit back and actually read and appreciate its original format was very restorative for me, as I feel I regained some of the youth and wonder I had as a child just going through these pages.
On a side note, one interesting thought I had as I read this comic was the idea that dogs have to entertain themselves through different means than humans, and its no doubt they use some of their imagination for their entertainment source. They can’t constantly be played with and they don’t have the capacity to use certain props or inventions meant for entertainment. I just thought the whole idea was very interesting and so cute seeing it played out with Snoopy’s adorable skits.

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