Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 5

Eisner and Thompson have very distinctive visual styles that somewhat contrast each other when compared side by side on the comic book. From what I’ve seen, Eisner tends to prefer working with larger images and likes to play around with the imagery and panel shapes. Due to his preference with larger images and compositions, he has no issue making use of images that take up the entire page or aren’t contained by the boundary of a panel. On the other hand, while Thompson did also seem to like making use of various panel shapes, he seemed to be much more conscious in his approach to the execution of the artwork itself. Thompson’s artwork is more expressive, as he makes use of hatching skills and line work that creates or captures a certain texture or emotion within the image. For me, it seems the difference between the two artists is that between the two, Eisner seems to be the one with a broader range of comfort in terms of the composition of the lay out, while Thompson seems to have a much more specific and stylized method of drawing and visualizing the images in his expression.

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